Refugio Paz de las Aves

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Refugio Paz de Las Aves is a family run and owned birding and forest conservation reserve created in 2005 by Angel and Rodrigo Paz. The native cloud forest habitat of northwestern Pichincha (just along the road from San Tadeo and Mindo) includes more than 200 species of birds. It's renowned as THE place for Antpittas as well as Toucans, Quetzals, Tanagers and the Andean Cock of the Rock. But the bird that fascinated and thrilled me most was the Lyre-tailed Nightjar; impossible to see (despite being pointed out patiently to me by Angel). It's phenomenal two-foot streaming tail lying along the bank was the only thing that revealed it to me eventually.

I was the only guest the morning Anderson had booked us in, and they treated us like royalty. The breakfast was especially appreciated - it was cooked just for us and served in the very smart cafe. One of the best meals I had on the whole trip.

Angel (below right) and Vinicio (below left) have perfected the skill of attracting their five resident species of Antpitta, all of whom are named and treated like family. They use calls, whistles and of course worms, and it's not long before perky, hungry birds appear from the dense undergrowth to take advantage of the easy pickings.

This reserve was a highlight of my trip and I can't recommend it enough. Take a look at their website for more info on their extraordinary conservation work, staying at their ecolodge, a full species list and great video footage as well as tours and pricing.

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